How to Add, Modify or Delete Assemblies

An assembly is setup when 2 items need to be linked together for inventory purposes. This means that if you purchase one barcode, but sell a different barcode, then those 2 items need to be linked together. Or if you break up a case barcode to sell a single barcode, then an assembly will need to be created,as well. We refer to this in S2K as a parent child relationship.

The benefit to linking the items is that you can purchase, sell, or inventory either barcode and the system will do the inventory calculations for you.

To Add, Modify or Delete assemblies, use the product manager tool located within the inventory menu

Adding an Assembly

To create a new assembly, click on the inventory menu and click the product manager link from within the inventory menu



The Product listing page will open:


Search for the parent/case item using the search field. For example, SUNDROP


Click once on the item, which is the 24 PK case item #078000230109 to open the product editing page



Click the UPC assembly link on the right hand side to open the UPC assembly listing window


Click the New button at the top and enter the child barcode, for example 078000006445- 12 oz sundrop can


Enter the child barcode, for example 078000006445- 12oz SUNDROP CAN


Next, enter the quantity or how many of these items are included in the parent barcode. In this example we will enter 24


The final field is cost ratio.


If the cost ratio field is left blank, then the system will divide the parent cost equally among the child barcodes assigned. If the cost is not to be divided equally, then enter the specific cost percentage amounts here.

For example, 2 different Hershey barcodes come in a single shipper and the cost of the items should be divided 60/40, then those numbers would be entered in the cost ratio field. Otherwise, if the cost ratio field is left blank, then they system will divide cost evenly among the 2 barcodes as 50/50

Click ok to add the child barcode to the assembly


Continue this process until all child items have been added

Modifying an Assembly

To modify an assembly, Click once on the existing assembly line to re-open the assembly window.


Click in the child field and update the barcode to the correct item. For example, 078000006446 12oz Sundrop Diet Can



Next, update the quantity amount and cost ratio, if necessary.


Then click ok to update


Deleting an Assembly

To delete the assembly, Click once on the existing assembly line to re-open the assembly window.



Then check the Delete this record box click ok to remove that assembly line.


Click ok to remove that assembly line


Close the product manager tab when finished