Once Inventory data has been downloaded into S2K from the Handheld or imported from 3rd party auditor, open the Back Office program.
Click on Inventory, then Take Inventory by SKU
Select station from dropdown box and inventory data will load
Once the take inventory data has loaded, information should be checked for accuracy and date. Please spot check the following items:
1. Category/Department- check for accuracy and fix any items that are ‘not setup’ or ‘unused’. To update the department, right click on the item and select ‘item details’.
To make changes in the item details screen, click the ‘Edit’ button to make changes and then click ‘Save’.
To look at the history of an item for research purposes, right click on the item and select ‘View Inventory History’. This will show all activity for the item selected.
2. # In Stock- Look for any amounts that appear to be irregular or large and click in the field to fix/change the stock number.
Click the Save button when complete
3. Take Date- Make sure only 1 date is displayed. If date needs to be assigned or changed, use the ‘Adjust’ tool in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Select ‘Change All’, select the desired date from the calendar dropdown via ‘adjust to day’, and click the ‘Adjust’ button. The date will automatically be assigned to each item.
Once all of the above items have been addressed, the Inventory is ready for processing. There are 2 steps to processing the Take Inventory:
1. Total Inventory Taken For: Check the box next to each department that is a FULL department inventory. The system is designed to zero out any stock levels for items that are not included in the take, if the department box is checked.
2. Click on the ‘Calc Stock Difference Now’ to complete the processing.
3. The print preview will display, which allows you to check data before final ‘Take Inventory Invoice‘ is created.
This print preview is designed to show the difference between the current stock level in the system and what was counted in the Take Inventory. Additionally, the overall value of what was counted in the Take Inventory is shown. The system values this difference both in qty and cost. The columns are as follows:
1. Item #- UPC
2. Description- Item description in S2K
3. Last Inv- This is the last invoice date for the item
4. Take Date- date assigned as take date on previous screen
5. # In Stock- The current stock value in S2K prior to processing ‘Take Inventory’
6. Take Qty- Stock value that was provided on previous screen for item
7. #Diff- The difference between the # In Stock and Take Qty
8. Cost- The current cost for the individual item
9. $ Total Diff- The dollar value of the difference at cost
10. $ Total Taken- The dollar value of the Take Qty column at cost
To Process the Inventory, the final step is to ‘Create Invoice’. Click the ‘Create Invoice’ button and the system will upload the inventory and create a ‘Take Inventory Invoice’.
When the inventory is done processing, the preview screen will disappear. Click the REFRESH button at the top of the page to update the window.
The Take Inventory Invoice has now been created an applied to the system.
All Take Inventory Invoices can be found in the ‘Take Inventory Invoices’ tab. Double click on any inventory invoice to open the audit results for that date.
To delete or re-process an existing Take Inventory Invoice, click the box next to the desired inventory date and click either ‘Delete selected invoice(s)’ OR ‘Recreate selected Invoice(s)’.
To view past invoices, the ‘From Date’ may need to be adjusted from the default. To change the date, select from the calendar in the dropdown box
To view just a single department’s Take Inventory Invoices, check the box next to ‘Contains Department’ and select the desired department.